Conference Venue > Public TransportGetting ThereGöttingen has excellent train connections to most other cities in Central Europe. However there is no airport in the direct vicinity. By airThe airports of Hanover (HAJ) and Frankfurt (FRA) have good train connections with Göttingen. In case you prefer Frankfurt take the long-distance trains (ICE or IC) directly from the airport and better book your train ticket in advance and make a reservation (see below). By trainEither directly or from the airport, you will most likely travel to Göttingen by train. In most cases, it is cheaper to book a train in advance (so-called saving fares / Sparpreis), however, please be aware that these tickets are only valid for the exact train you are booking whereas the standard-fare tickets are valid for the whole day. You can book tickets here: → English Homepage of the Deutsche Bahn AG - the major German railway company (there is a language switch at the top of the page) The long-distance train station at Frankfurt Airport is Frankfurt(M) Flughafen Fernbf, Göttingen has only a single train station simply named Göttingen. You can replace the ö by oe ("Goettingen") but not by o ("Gottingen"). Within GöttingenMost people in Göttingen move about by bicycle. You can rent a bicycle at several places in Göttingen, including a place at the station (more information on that will probably follow later). The only public transport available are buses (see below) and taxis. The bus connection between the train station and the northern University Campus is very good! If you arrive at the train station exit the station to the east (direction of decreasing platform number) to get to the busses or to the city centre. If you prefer a taxicab, exit the station to the west (increasing platform numbers). Close to that exit you'll find taxicabs waiting. Also use this exit, to get to the InterCity Hotel, which is only a three-minute walk from the train station (so ignore the taxis if you stay in that hotel). Busses
Bus stops near IAG (conference location)The bus stop closest to the place of the conference is a Tammannstr. (see map of North Campus), however three other bus stops are within 3-4 min walk (click on the numbers, to get the detailed time tables (only in German):
The routes 21 and 23 all take you to the train station (detailed schedules below). The train station is not far from the city centre. To go directly to the city centre (for instance bus stop Markt), take route 22 or 41. Detailed schedules (for Routes 21 and 23)Complete time tables: Route 21 (and 22), Route 23. Train Station (near InterCity Hotel) → IAG (conference location) → other directionTuesday - Friday (normal schedule)
IAG (conference location) → Train Station (near InterCity Hotel) → other directionTuesday - Friday (normal schedule)